


Empowering Women to Harness their Inner Healing Potential

Embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment with Self Healing Effect lovingly called S.H.E. At SHE, we understand that healing is not just about overcoming past traumas; it's about reconnecting with your inner strength, trusting your intuition, and embracing the fullness of who you are. Guided by compassion, authenticity, and a deep belief in your potential, we offer a sanctuary where women can explore holistic healing modalities, cultivate self-love, and unlock the keys to their true potential. Whether you're seeking guidance, support, or simply a safe space to heal, you'll find it here at SHE. Join us as we embark on this journey together—to heal whole and fully, one step at a time.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. We aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can explore and develop their innate capacity to heal themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Welcome to S•H•E


A space birthed from a journey of stillness for beautiful beings searching for their S.H.E

At Self Healing Effect LLC (S•H•E), We are thrilled to introduce our expanded offerings, especially our renowned Reiki classes:

Reiki I, II, III, and Mastery Classes:

Join our well-received Reiki courses facilitated by Reiki Master and Minister Bunny Blash. These classes empower individuals with the transformative energy healing techniques of Reiki. Plus, our “Deepen Your Reiki Journey”, a furthering education course that helps enrich your Reiki journey.

Workshops and Seminars:

Our interactive sessions introduce individuals to self-healing techniques, providing practical tools for everyday well-being.

Individual Coaching:

Our experienced coaches offer personalized guidance for overcoming challenges and navigating life transitions.

Energy Healing Sessions:

Our certified healers use Reiki, Bio Field Healing, and sound therapy to restore energy balance and promote healing.

Mindfulness and Meditation Practices:

Join our classes to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and find inner peace.

Holistic Wellness Programs:

Experience comprehensive wellness programs that address physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Crystals, Healing Boxes, & Jewelry:

Explore our vibrational crystals, healing ritual boxes, and Reiki-cleansed jewelry.

Reiki Community and Healing Meet-Ups:

Join our vibrant Reiki community for healing meet-ups and a supportive network of fellow practitioners.

Online Resources:

Visit our website for articles, blogs, meditations, and self-help tools to support your self-healing journey.

Join Us on the Path to Self-Healing: At Self Healing Effect LLC, we empower individuals to tap into their innate healing abilities. Let's unlock your potential and create a life of vitality and balance together. Connect with us today and discover your S•H•E.

S.H.E is...

You, Me, We

S•H•E is Bold

S•H•E is Aligned

S•H•E is Supported & Protected

S•H•E is Loved

S•H•E is every embodiment of a higher vibration.

S•H•E is You.

And YOU deserve the feelings of....


S•H•E Learning & Listening

S•H•E On A Healing Journey

Booking for Reiki

Reiki Certificate Courses

Booking for Readings

Moon Circle Events

Virtual Classes and so much more....

Book A Session
RabbitFood Podcast

Welcome to RabbitFood Podcast, where we whip up soul-nourishing treats to fuel your inner growth and satisfy your spiritual appetite. Join us for a delectable feast of guided meditations, affirmations that are as sweet as honey, and discussions that leave you feeling as refreshed as a cool cucumber. RabbitFood Podcast is your go-to kitchen for nourishing your soul and healing your inner 'G'. Tune in and let's savor the journey of self-discovery together, one bite at a time!

RabbitFood Podcast