Journal Prompts: Reflecting On A Positive Future

As the year draws to a close what better time then now to allow space for ourselves to take some quite time to envision the future?
If you haven't already taken the time to listen in on this guided meditation, please follow the link below to tap into this energy before embarking on these journal prompts.

Journal Prompts: 

  1. Gratitude for the Present: Reflect on three aspects of your present life that you are grateful for. How do these aspects contribute to your overall well-being? Consider how expressing gratitude for the present can create a foundation for a positive future.

  2. Future Vision Board: Envision your ideal future and create a visual representation by sketching or writing on a virtual or physical board. What images, words, or symbols represent the positivity and fulfillment you aspire to in the coming years? How does this vision motivate and inspire you?

  3. Positive Affirmations: List three positive affirmations that resonate with your vision for the future. How can these affirmations shift your mindset towards a more optimistic outlook? Reflect on the power of affirming positive beliefs and how they can shape your journey.

  4. Mindful Goal Setting: Identify three achievable goals that align with your positive future vision. Break down each goal into smaller, actionable steps. How can these steps be integrated into your daily life? Reflect on the mindfulness required to work towards these goals intentionally.

  5. Embracing Change: Contemplate your attitude towards change and uncertainty. How can a positive mindset empower you to embrace the unknown with open arms? Reflect on past experiences where unexpected changes led to positive outcomes. Consider how this perspective can guide you towards a more optimistic future.